
X-WATERS Malta 2024

Three islands - one swim

October 10-13

the port of Marfa

Distances: 1 k, 2,3 k, 6 k, 8 k,
X-KIDS 100 m, X-KIDS 200 m

What's the challenge?

X-WATERS Malta 2024 is the round of the X-WATERS World Championship 2024.

Malta is an archipelago, which consists of three islands: Gozo, Comino and Malta. We will swim between all three.

These straits were visited by the ships of Ulysses, Napoleon and Lord Nelson, trading caravans and military flotilla of Carthaginians, Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, Spaniards, Normans, submarines of the Third Reich and destroyers of allies. Many ships can still be seen at the bottom.

The water at the rocky shores is famous for its transparency, in good weather visibility reaches 50 meters! Throughout years, Malta has been one of the top destinations for diving in Europe.

The expected water temperature in October is- 20-23 C. It sounds like an ideal place for swimming, but do not forget that there is- an open sea around which means that currents, winds and waves are quite capable of making our challenge more interesting. You have to practice to cope with this challenge!

Join the participants chat in Telegram (open it on your phone, the application should be pre-installed).
X-WATERS Malta Partner Hotel – Labranda Riviera Hotel & Spa

LABRANDA RIVIERA HOTEL & SPA is located in one of the best-preserved areas of northern Malta and overlooks the scenic Marfa Bay. Unspoiled views over the islands of Gozo and Comino create an idyllic Mediterranean atmosphere of relaxation.

Guests of the Labranda Riviera Hotel & Spa have access to a wide range of amenities, including 2 outdoor seawater swimming pools, an indoor seawater pool and a full-service Thalasso Spa Centre.

True relaxation, however, requires a holistic approach. It is more than just enjoying sea views, swimming pools and spa treatments. Indulging in superior food is also part of a comforting and rejuvenating vacation. The ability to savour an appetisingly crafted quality meal or taste a snack by the pool is among the most important experiences for the guests. Therefore, the Labranda Riviera Hotel & Spa does its best to offer a wide array of world-class restaurants as well as bars for its valued guests.

The Labranda Hotel & Spa is the choice of X-WATERS Malta. It will host the briefings, finish and all activities surrounding the X-WATERS Malta Event.

Website - The Labranda Hotel & Spa
Use the following Promo Code to book and get a discount 15% - XWATERS24


the distance
1000 m
Participants will start at Hola Bay beach from the starting camp. They will move in a triangle passing buoys on the left (the buoy should appear on your right). Start and finish are in the same place.

2300 m
Participants gather in the starting camp at the Hola Bay beach. Then the boats will bring them to the start location on Comino island. They start from the beach. After the start, the participants move towards the finish line. Finish on Hola Bay beach.

6000 m
Participants gather in the starting camp at the Hola Bay beach. Then the boats will bring them to the start location on Gozo island. They start from the beach. After the start, the participants move towards Comino island, go around the island on the left side and swim towards the finish line. Finish on Hola Bay beach.

Swim around Comino Island
The swim won`t be a race. The length of the whole circle around the island is 8 km and all of them last in the territory of a natural marine reserve. The track will be parted into 2 km long pieces with small breaks. During that breaks we will have lunch, visit some caves and locations, where “Troy” was filmed. These places pretend to be the most picturesque and amazing swim spots in the Mediterranean Sea. You can match Round Comino swim with every distance of X-WATERS Malta (don`t forget to count your own strength! You will have 1 or 2 days to recover before your race)
There is an additional requirement - all participants must swim 2 km no longer than 50 minutes. Participants who swim slower than 50 minutes for 2 km will be taken to boats.

Maltese Medal

Admit it, you were just waiting for a reason to go to Malta?!

The history of Malta- is the history of Europe. All the major events taking place in the Mediterranean region in the last 10 thousand years have somehow affected Malta and left their mark here. Local megaliths are older than the Egyptian pyramids, and the local language is not clear to anyone else.

The capital of Malta, Valletta, is entirely included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. On the island of Gozo (where our 6 km swim starts) Ulysses spent seven years in the company of nymph Calypso, and on the island of Comino (where our 2.3 km swim starts), they filmed Troy. The scenes of Gladiator, Da Vinci Code, and, by the way, Game of Thrones; were shot nearby.

The Maltese Order of Knights, the- oldest in the world,- start their history from the first crusade, they have the status of an extraterritorial entity, issue their own passports and currency.

Luxurious sea, snow-white rocks, ancient history, warm autumn, and now a great swim, what else to expect? We do not promise you to get an order, but you can earn your own Maltese medal!
Admit it, you were just waiting for a reason to go to Malta?!

The history of Malta- is the history of Europe. All the major events taking place in the Mediterranean region in the last 10 thousand years have somehow affected Malta and left their mark here. Local megaliths are older than the Egyptian pyramids, and the local language is not clear to anyone else.

The capital of Malta, Valletta, is entirely included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. On the island of Gozo (where our 6 km swim starts) Ulysses spent seven years in the company of nymph Calypso, and on the island of Comino (where our 2.3 km swim starts), they filmed Troy. The scenes of Gladiator, Da Vinci Code, and, by the way, Game of Thrones; were shot nearby.

The Maltese Order of Knights, the- oldest in the world,- start their history from the first crusade, they have the status of an extraterritorial entity, issue their own passports and currency.

Luxurious sea, snow-white rocks, ancient history, warm autumn, and now a great swim, what else to expect? We do not promise you to get an order, but you can earn your own Maltese medal!
X-waters is you!
Today I closed the open water season with a 6 km Malta swim in the open sea. And just a year ago I did not know how to swim the crawl. This wonderful, full of events and travels year has seen so much! Except for the first two months, when I was just learning at school and did not really swim: ⠀ ⠀ - I swam 330 kilometers. - This is 107 swims / workouts, out of which 9 swims were open water. - I received a precious sub20 badge, because I swim a kilometer faster than 20 minutes. - I swam 1,500 meters in the pool faster than 30 minutes. - I received two awards for the third place in my age group (wow) - I worked on my technique, made kilometers in the pool, and here everything is still ahead. Salt, fresh water, storm, jellyfish, waves, fair current, cross current, cold water, warm sea - everything happened this year. I never gave up. Today was the longest swim - 2:39:52 Salt water, waves. The longest distance - 6 km. The probability of a jellyfish invasion is very high! But - stunningly beautiful water area in the Mediterranean Sea. We swam from the island of Gozo, where Ulysses spent seven years in the company of the nymph Calypso, passed the island of Comino, where they filmed Troy, to Malta. I swam close to the shore of the island of Comino, looked at the fish, the underwater world, I even saw divers. All this time, I was whipped up by waves (well, what did I do wrong to them?) But it was the most pleasant water, warm, the sun and ... waves stopping at my face. Waves waves waves. In my nose, in my mouth, everywhere. Waves. High. Rolling. How tired I was of fighting them... The result of the swim is the third place in my age group. I really wanted to get it, but I went to the finish line along the wrong trajectory, I couldn't see anyone in front or behind, so I thought (as usual) that I was swimming the very last. I ran ashore. That's it, I did it again. And here is the important thing - without one person this achievement would never happen. While he writes poetry to me, makes musical sets, I give him what I can - I climb for the third place in my age category
Salakhova Lyudmila
Swimming was soooo high! I caught such endorphin zen! The water is clear, warm, and soft. The sun is shining. Everything is so beautiful around! The body moves so easily in water. Arms make a stroke after a stroke, and you seem to glide. These are such long-forgotten sensations! And you feel so cool Just because you are here and now. And you are so grateful for everything that is happening around! In general, a complete endorphin trip! The second kilometer was not as fast as the first one. Mainly because the landmark on the red fortress no longer worked. It was much to the right of the desired direction. Now it was necessary to get between the hotel buildings. But in my ever-fogging and leaking glasses, these buildings were not very visible. I had to take them off to navigate. Water was leaking in and my eyes were tingling. But I was still enjoying the swim. In the end, I already wanted to pull the finish gate towards myself. And when I finally got there, for some reason I took off the chip in the water and offered it to the guy who met everyone there and asked “Are you OK?” Although I still had to go a couple of meters before crossing the finish line. And how awesome it is when your family meets you at the finish line! This is a rare happiness at my swims and it is very valuable! It increases all emotions by 3 times! It was a glorious hunt! Such events, people around charge me with positive energy for a long time. Just the hugs with X-WATERS team are so cool! Everybody swim!
The event that triggered a wonderful vacation in Malta was a 6 km swim from X-WATERS. My first experience of swimming at sea, a lot of mistakes, a lot of lessons learnt, a lot of beauty around, a lot of impressions and positive emotions! It was easy to navigate, to swim around the island looking at rocks and fish - interesting and beautiful! I was surprised to see divers at the bottom - the air bubbles were very unexpected, I think they also did not expect to see such happiness as dozens of swimmers. The jellyfish were peaceful, the sun was bright, the waves added diversity. The swim is amazing!
My first swimming camp with the aquaholic_club team and my first long-distance swimming competitions at sea were 6500m #xwaters_Malta Many impressions, vivid emotions and a swimmer's tan! Thanks to the coach for productive training and the team for the bright meeting at the finish line with champagne. Let's set goals for the new season!
Klimov Denis
Gozo Island - Malta (6 km). It was harder than I expected. Thanks to X-WATERS for such a swim, Malta is a great place for such outings in October, the water temperature is 24 degrees.
Ksenia Chachina
My first swimming medal! Eeee! I swam 1 km in 36 minutes and 43 seconds. My time could have been better if I hadn’t been so slowpoke. Imagine, all participants of the swim are lined up at the start knee-deep in the water, and Ksenia suddenly finds out that she has forgotten her glasses! I run out of the sea, run to the backpack lockers, take out my glasses and run back when everyone has already swum away. The gap is a minute and a half, but I am in panic, I can’t catch anyone, I am suffocating, change for breaststroke to catch my breath. Then they shout to me from the boat that I’m swimming in the wrong direction, I have to go to that buoy. And there is no one around, it’s not clear who to follow. Then I kind of noticed one swimmer in front and started following him. The whole swim through I was thinking “what a shame”, “how can I be such an idiot” and “aah, I don't want to be the last.” Since my fear of disgrace is my strongest motivator! I overtook that guy. And, it turns out, I overtook two more girls at the very beginning (I did not even understand then where they had gone). So I'm not the last, but the fourth from the end!


X-WATERS Malta 2024

Preliminary schedule:

October 10th
Round Comino

October 12th
6 k and 2.3 k

October 13th
1 k
X-KIDS swim

The exact schedule will be known closer to the start. You will receive a participant's booklet 2 weeks before the event.

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Swim partners


For Volunteers

Each volunteer becomes a full member of the X-WATERS team. Volunteers of our starts receive a unique experience in organizing major sporting events and, on an equal basis with the organizers, interact with the participants of the starts at the most crucial stages. We guarantee the most positive and vivid emotions, as well as the gratitude of the swimmers, whom you help to reach the goal.

Bonus: branded X-WATERS T-Shirt. We are waiting for your applications!
Compass Building,
Al Shohada Road,
AL Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ,
Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates


