
Swimming to be healthy

Of course, you know very well how useful swimming can be for human health. Swimming has almost no cons or contraindications. This is the most convenient sport — everyone can start swimming, regardless of physical fitness, age or weight. People who are adequately doing sports, including swimming, have stronger immunity, they are less susceptible to various diseases. Also, swimming can improve your psychological health!

We went a little deeper into this issue and can now describe how swimming and immunity are related. After reading, you can only be glad for yourself 😊

1. Swimming also has an excellent acclimation effect, that is, it increases the body resistance to the effects of adverse environmental conditions, to cold, to sudden changes in temperature; thermal regulation improves, which reduces susceptibility to colds and increases immunity. Regular training strengthens the body, making it less vulnerable to many diseases. Swimming improves the blood and lymph flow from the periphery to the heart, the circulation improves.

2. Breath control and massage of the whole body when swimming reduce stress. There are changes in the nervous system functioning: water has a calming effect on your psycho-emotional state. Relaxation, unobtrusive atmosphere, individual approach and an appropriate set of exercises in water allow for inner balance, spiritual balance, raise your mood, make thoughts clearer, improve attention and memory. Have you noticed this?

3. And maybe you didn’t even think about it, but being in the pool is a kind of digital detox. On the treadmill, many still stick into their smartphones, and while swimming, you will be unavailable for a while. For calls, likes and bad news 😉

Therefore, swim, develop and be healthy!

* We used the materials from the scientific article «Swimming as a universal sport». Litvina G.A. , Kurbatov I.

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